Land of OZ memory lane
Created by Mal 7 years ago
It was a visit we thought would never happen, thankfully it did.
We hope it helped you Sue with the healing process and answer some questions about your time here with Steve all those years ago, even though we couldn't see him, this time, we were sure he was with you all the way making sure you behaved yourself.
It was an absolute pleasure having you here, you know you are always welcome, no need to book, yours is a permanent booking.
One of the highlights was spending some time at the club where we used to play and Sue stood in the same spot as Steve did in a team photo all those years ago, it was a very nostalgic visit with lots of fond memories of your time here together. We saw lots of people who knew you both and had a laugh at some very old photos
How about your old house in Annerley, what were those guys growing in the "herb" garden??
We love you dearly and really hope our paths cross again in the not too distant future, both you and Steve will always be in our thoughts.
Mal and Margie Bland